As the focus of the One Year War shifts into space, the Earth Federation begins designing a new Gundam for space combat, and the end result is the RX-78-7 7th Gundam. The 7th Gundam is designed to equip Full Armor parts, and as a result the body is covered with mounting latches. The powerplant is more powerful than that of the RX-78-2 Gundam, however, there are sub generators installed in the Full Armor parts to not allow a drop in useable time. The body is in the class of the RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex" and is similarly equipped with magnetic coating and a panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit. Unfortunately, the One Year War ends with only the basic frame of the 7th Gundam completed.
7号高达被设计为全武装。身体被安装了新的锁定系统。出力要远远高于骡子用的那台高达。但同时需要辅助动力炉来辅助出力。身体采用NT-1 ALEX的骨架。不幸的是,在一年战争结束的时候只生产了最基本型。
The FA-78-3 Full Armor 7th Gundam is the armor-equipped space combat version of the RX-78-7 7th Gundam. Unlike the previous FA-78-1 Full Armor Gundam, the Full Armor 7th Gundam is able to fight without any drop in performance. This is accomplished with the addition of sub generators and propellant tanks in the Full Armor components. The emphasis of the Full Armor components is offensive power rather than defensive power. This is reflected in the armaments, which include vulcan guns, beam sabers, hand beam guns and a beam shot cannon. However, since the One Year War ends with only the 7th Gundam's basic frame being completed, the Full Armor components are never built. Incidentally, the name does not mean "Full Armor Gundam #7" but rather "Gundam #7 Full Armor parts." There are only two previous Full Armor Gundams: the FA-78-1 Full Armor Gundam and the FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam.
FA-78-3 全武装7号高达是装备了重装甲的宇宙型RX-78-7型高达。与通常型的不同,全武装型不再需要辅助出力炉和辅助能量舱。这台机体的最大特点就是攻击出力要高于防御出力。该机有大量武装,包括了巴尔干炮,光剑,光束手枪和光束加农炮。但是,随着一年战争的结束,7号机的基本型完成,这台机体就一直停留在图纸阶段而并未生产。顺便一提,“全武装高达7号”不代表“全武装高达7号的 全武装形态”。该型号有两种换装,FA-78-1 全武装高达,和Fa-78-2 重装高达
The Heavy Full Armor Gundam is the ultimate evolution of the RX-78-7 7th Gundam. This unit is the FA-78-3 Full Armor 7th Gundam with the addition of a mega beam cannon unit. The addition of the cannon gives it the same power as a battleship. The mega beam cannon unit is equipped with a large-sized generator, propellant tanks and additional verniers. There would be no equal to this and no loss in performance at all. However, this design is proposed shortly before the end of the One Year War. With only the basic frame of the 7th Gundam being completed, this powerful addition is never built. It is believed that this unit's concept is inherited years later by the RX-78GP03 Gundam "Dendrobium Orchis."
重武装高达是RX-78-7高达从“究极进化”意义上出现的机体。此机是FA-78-3全武装高达7号机加装MEGA粒子炮的产物。而加装的MEGA粒子炮拥有和战舰(载有的MEGA粒子炮)相持平的火力。MEGA粒子炮单元装备了大型发电机、推进油罐和额外游标。完全不会对性能产生任何不平衡和损失。而这种设计曾在一年战争末期经被一度提议。当基本型架构的高达7号机完成时,这种强大的装备便不再生产。这被一般人认为此单元的概念被日后(UC0083)的“RX-78 GPO3 典多洛比姆 花萼”(就是GPO3的大货柜箱= =)继承
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