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发表于 2007-6-18 17:38:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I got a chance to see a screening of Transformers this week and it was much better than I was expecting.

I will start by saying that the plot is paper-thin but it doesn't even matter. The effects in this movie are probably the best I've seen. The line between reality and CG is seamless. (Think back to the first time you saw Jurassic Park, then, advance the technology 13 years)

Props to Shia LaBeouf who plays Sam the lovable dork. I've never liked this kid in anything but he holds it all together here and brings a lot of humor to the table and sells it. I'm actually looking forward to him in the next Indy movie.

Speaking of humor, there is a lot of it in the movie. Luckily, it's mostly displayed by the human characters-so cut Optimus some slack for saying "My bad" after breaking a ceramic vase in Sam's backyard. (Funny how The Thing uses the same lame line in an ad for the new FF4) Other than that, the Autobots are very serious and pretty much all business when it comes to taking on the Decepticons. I liked how even some of the Autobots wonder why they can't just do away with the pesky humans but Optimus insists that have as much a right to live as they do.

Bumble Bee and Optimus Prime are the focus here and really the only two that warrant emotional investment. Especially Bumble Bee. He becomes Sam's protector and is given a personality of his own. It's funny when he changes the radio station for songs to create a mood between Sam and to-be girlfriend Mikaela (Megan Fox).

Bumble Bee and Barricade are involved in the first robot on robot battle that begins with an extended car-chase sequence. Watching Bumble Bee emerge out of a plume of smoke being followed by Barricade with all of the music and revving engines and squealing tires is chill-inducing. Great stuff! When the secret government agency Sector 7 catches Bumble Bee and is holding him down with wires, he looks to Sam with puppy-dog-like electronic eyes and it is sad, man. Think back to when E.T gets taken away by the masked bad guys.

There are other elements of the movie that will take you back and make you feel like a kid again. Mostly due in part to the awe-inspiring CG and the aura of cool surrounding the whole idea of bad-ass cars and planes transforming realistically into giant robots and kicking ass. I think Bay pokes fun at his own image a few times and I didn't even mind him using the getting-old-very-quickly theme that accompanied Lucy Liu's posse walk in Kill Bill as Bumble Bee changes his exterior from old, rusty Camaro to a shiny 2007 model. But, let's be honest folks, someone like Michael Bay HAD to direct this kind of movie. Or do you want to see another Ang Lee/Hulk debacle?

Megan Fox as Mikaela will draw ire from female viewers (jealousy) but the guys will love her even though most of her dialogue is drivel and she serves almost no purpose other than the unlikely love interest. (She reminded me of a younger, hotter Sheryl Crow) I don't remember too much from the original cartoon but I think there was a cube that had something to do with the whole Transformers story. Because here, the cube is part of the main plot. The cube and a pair of old glasses worn by Sam's Grandfather. Yup, a cube and eyeglasses.

Unfortunately, Megatron is kept frozen by Sector 7 until about the last quarter of the movie. They explain that almost all of earth's current technology derived from studying Megatron since he was discovered frozen in ice in the 1930's. Once he is finally in action, there is a cool sequence in which all of the Decepticons respond to his call and their language is translated so we can see what they are saying, like, "Barricade en route," etc. There's no time to focus on Starscream's head-butting with Megatron for superiority but Megatron does yell at him saying something to the effect of "Once again, you have failed me."

I can't forget to mention the boombox robot. When I first heard about this "iPod" robot, I thought it would be cool. Some of it is, but for the most part, he's for the kids - especially while sneaking off of the plane and he puts his hand up to shield his face to evade police who are walking ALL OVER THE PLACE! Very silly.

Despite the faults, and there are many, I did not mind one bit. This is summer eye candy through and through with a heavy dose of testosterone. The transforming is usually done quick but several of the introductory transformations are slow so you can see all of the detail that goes into it. Especially Optimus' first transformation. So damn cool. Watch the detail of Optimus' slo-mo punch into Bonecrusher's face and you'll see his eye hyper-extending from the power of the blow. I didn't actually see Megatron's arm cannon, but I was told that he used it once. I'll be amazed if it doesn't win best special f/x at the next Oscars.(变形镜头通过比较迅速,但也有些以慢镜头呈现;特别是柱子哥的第一次变形,真他妈的酷啊~~另外,看看柱子哥怒捶“碎骨魔”脸蛋那一场景中的细节,你会发现柱子哥用力时“睚眦”的样子哦~~如果本片明年没有获得奥斯卡最佳视觉特效奖,老子就要发飙了!!!)

John Turturro as a Sector 7 agent is delightfully (and randomly) over the top. Anthony Anderson is brought in for more comic relief and most of it works but it's a little overdone. It's okay though, both the Autobots and Decepticons take their battle so seriously that the humor is balanced.

In a classic Michael Bay move, a team of genius students (wink to Bruce Willis' team in Armageddon) are brought in to decipher an unknown sound that was emitted during Blackout's attack on the army base in Qatar at the beginning. Man, Blackout lays the place to waste! The sound is going to amaze you from this scene and all of the other action sequences. Amazing sound.(音响效果特别突出!) The final battle sequence in the city streets is cool but some of the action here (and in other scenes) is so fast that it's hard to distinguish who is who, who is good, who is bad and what's happening. I think that's why I missed Megatron's arm cannon. (结尾大战人多镜头切换看,看的时候瞪圆了眼睛、全速发动大脑哦!)

Adults and kids are going to like this movie which is why I see it making a bazillion dollars. It's far better than any of the Big Three sequels that have come and gone already.(本片大大超越这个暑假那三个所谓续集大片,欧耶!) Speaking of sequels, of course they left room for one. Most of the Transformers survive-good and bad. Not much story here, but the effects and sounds are unlike anything we've seen before-it's mesmerizing. I give it a 9 out of 10.(故事很一般,但是视觉特效和印象效果都会让人欲仙欲死!按10分制评价的话,俺给于它9分!!!)

P.S. If you post this, please don't use my username – the Memflix effect, ya know?

You can use.....Saint Hubbins


Hi Drew:

I attended a Transformers press screening.

I enjoyed the movie a lot for what it was -- a summer action movie directed by Michael Bay, based on a line of toys and a silly animated cartoon. It certainly is a Michael Bay film -- whether that is a good thing or not is up to you -- but all of Bay's signature directorial moves are there. The same bombastic music and musical cues he always uses, the illogical chases (run the bad guy's so close!, jumpcut, the bad guy is inexplicably gone), the crazy authority figure (John Turturro, in his worst role I have seen), the nonstop-shouting-as-witty-dialogue, and, of course, great production values and effects.

The biggest difference from the animated series is the addition of a rather odd MacGuffin ("the cosmic cube" or whatever the hell it was) that is not explained very well. And I could nitpick a bunch of things. But I do not think that would be fair to the movie. It is what it is -- big, loud, eye-popping fun. The robots look great. Megan Fox looks great. The characters are surprisingly well fleshed out (for a Bay action film)(无他,本片就是他妈的巨片,非常闹腾,也非常娱乐眼球。机器人们看起来棒极了,偶家天天也很棒。各角色都出人意料得刻画得很鲜活——当然,这是相对于贝大爷的一贯水准而言的。^_^). Despite being 140 minutes long, the film did not drag at all (not like Spider-Man 3 or Pirates 3 did).(不像《蜘蛛侠3》和《海盗3》那样裹脚,尽管《变形金刚》长达2小时20分钟,电影看起来一点也不拖沓!)

In short, the best stupid movie I have seen this summer.(简而言之,《变形金刚》是这个暑期所有爆米花电影中最牛的!!!)

Feel free to add my post to your site if you would like.... but please do not include where I saw the film... and do not mention my name. Call me "Haisan."

- Haisan
发表于 2007-6-18 20:30:08 | 只看该作者

发表于 2007-6-18 20:34:50 | 只看该作者

发表于 2007-6-18 23:53:38 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-19 00:11:40 | 只看该作者
这样才好啊 票房大麦!!!连续拍个300集!那才爽!!!
发表于 2007-6-19 03:48:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-19 06:40:40 | 只看该作者
Originally posted by 多古拉 at 2007-6-18 23:53:

绿草 和 绿草 还是有区别的,蜘蛛男人 的确是很糟糕
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-19 16:05:33 | 只看该作者
据说神奇四侠电影会ATTACH一段新的TF TRAILER, 如下(转自SEIIBERTRON.COM),会看到BRAWL (吵闹), 但不知道在哪里可以下载到:(~~

Our own shortround went to see Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer and reports that their is a new Transformers Movie trailer attached to the film. According to shortround we get our first look at Brawl! Here is what shortround posted:

"Just got back from ff4 rise of the silver surfer where I saw a new trailer for the movie. What was new about this trailer is it had bonecrusher as well as brawl with optimus prime in a bear hug. Also they showed megatron very clearly in this trailer straped to metal structure inside the dam with president and member of army as well as secter 7 all present. Plus they have updated the release date to july 2nd now."
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