这条消息是昨天TFW上一位芝加哥的坛友带来的. 当时我觉得很荒谬, (其实现在也是) 所以就没有把它发过来. 但是今天竟然看到http://transformerslive.blogspot.com/2010/08/arise-rodimus-prime.html
也转载了. 好像还真被人重视了,了于是我也就顺手把它翻译过来, 就当是娱乐新闻报道吧.
这个人在芝加哥的片场听到守这辆消防车的保安说, 这消防车在"变3"里的角色是"补天士"(RODIMUS PRIME), 而且, 而且按电影里的设定, 他还是电影"擎天柱"的爸爸.
*Spoiler* The Firetruck is...(this is a spoiler, you have been warned)
Well, after walking by the set and the lot where the Bots are stored, I got the same message from 2 security guys - Rodimus PRIME. But here is the kicker (prepare for the "my childhood has been raped" complaints)...
Rodimus is Prime's father.
So, either they are both lying and everyone was told to give the same answer, or it is truth. Either way, take it as you may.
Mr. Roy
[ 本帖最后由 观望侠 于 2010-8-6 04:10 编辑 ] |