本帖最后由 观望侠 于 2010-12-4 07:12 编辑
预告片的前半部分不断的切换着当时美国宇航局(NASA)登月地面指挥中心里和宇航员在月球上的镜头. 这些镜头都是我们熟知的那时经典的登月片段, 伴随这那句著名的"...这一小步对全人类而言是一个巨大的跃进..."的画外音. 但是我们没有被官方告知的是宇航员们在月球背面的探索, 直到地面指挥中心里有人说道:"...并不只是我们在这里呀..."之后, 一些变形金刚角色终于开始登场出现了. 摄影机的视角捕捉并放大特写了其中一个变形金刚一只正开始放光的眼睛, 但是摄影机并没有停止, 继续推进拍摄, 观众透过那只眼睛进入了这个变形金刚的体内. 看到了他的内部结构. 在这时观众们终于明白变形金刚再次卷土重来了!
Transformers: Dark of the Moon, from the teaser, plays it on conspiracy theories related to the moon landing. The first part of the movie alternates images of the control room at NASA and of the astronauts on the moon. The landing is what we know well, as are the famous words about the "giant leap for mankind." But we did not know what is the journey of the astronauts on the dark side of the moon, until the control room do not tell them that "... then we are not alone." Then we see some Transformers: the camera comes close to the eye of one of them, which starts to flash. But the camera does not stop, and takes us inside the robot and its mechanisms, making us understand that it's coming back into action."