[/YT]歌词用的……er……是……正好在听植松伸夫的promised land
Now here we stand.
oh,in the burning sunset talking only of the promised land.
I'm glad to know now I am not the only one.
I've got nice friends who share dreams with me.
We are so young,wo've got some magic powers.
We are nourishing like flowers.
oh,let us wait until the day comes when we will all sail across the deeper blue sea.
In our dream we have seen people there exchanging words of love and care.
In the bright sunbeams they're dancing with the birds.
And they are singing all daylong biside the streams.
One day,someday you'll surely find us sailing away for the white beach of the promised land.
[ Last edited by Sephiroth on 2006-11-19 at 12:43 ] |