有说本于Titanium 6吋合金鸡肋系列有过推出Bludgeon的计划,估计是基于其<War Within>内的造型,但后不了了之。值得一提,Cybertron系列美版独有的Deluxe class Unicron,由于其坦克车的变形模式以及同为骷髅化的面孔,假若你是Bludgeon的fans,那即管当作是他吧!
按照玩具bio的描述,今回Bludgeon不再是隐者战士。在与Whirl的比试中落败甚至几乎丢掉性命。于是Blugeon撤退到丛林当中,后来跑到了东南亚,重新扫描了新形态,一个可怕的骨架式机械外型。于是便有了Voyager class的新设计,于ROTF的后段系列"NEST - Global Alliance"推出。
“And as discussed at BotCon, we will be continuing the "Classics/Universe" toys in the back half of 2010 with a new name (it won't be called Universe 3.0, but that's the idea). In addition we also try to include fan favorites in the movie line like Bludgeon and Brawn as well as assortments like the Human Alliance assortment.”(http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/hasbro-answers-your-questions-december-2009/17580 /)