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IDW 2012春季TF新刊快报:超时空要塞之可有记起爱

发表于 2011-12-16 19:27:06 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 sunny13 于 2011-12-17 14:35 编辑


IDW G1主线Ongoing Mission(09年11月开始连载至今)系列完结篇《擎天柱的婚礼》(The Death Of Optimus Prime)下周正式发卖。因为历年来该新闻发生次数太过频繁没啥冲击力,这次发售前不得不靠某直男编剧C氏舍生忘死刷起皇帝的新衣噱头来下限宣传……于是暂时忽略不计,请直接期待12月21日上架的大结局(预览请见11#)。

TFW2005 was fortunate enough to sit in on a web based press conference yesterday held by IDW regarding their 2 upcoming ongoing Transformers books. Transformers More Than Meets The Eye and Transformers Robots In Disguise. Michael Kelly, Director, Global Publishing, Global Brand Licensing & Publishing, Hasbro and John Barber, Senior Editor, IDW gave a rundown of the new direction and answered some questions.
昨日(10/19/2011)TFW2005荣幸的参加了IDW主办的网络会议,内容是关于变形金刚两部新主线漫画:<TF: MTMTE>和<TF: RID>的发布事宜。诸位业界要人在现场回答了FANS的问题。

After the Death of Optimus Prime (IDW #125, due in December), the "War for Cybertron" is officially over. The Autobots have won and took control of the planet. They are starting to rebuild. There is a choice though - stay or go. This is where the split into 2 books will happen. More Than Meets The Eye will follow Rodimus and his team, as they choose to leave Cybertron. Robots In Disguise will focus on the new leader, Bumblebee, and how he leads the remaining Autobots (and Decepticons, all Transformers for that matter), on Cybertron. Two books, one universe.
在OM大结局《擎天柱之死》(IDW #125,预定12月发售)之后,赛博坦之战正式宣告结束。博派胜利并接管了赛星,开始战后重建工作。此时在幸存的TF中出现了一个两难的抉择:是去,还是留。这也是两部主线漫画的剧情开始分支的转捩点。MTMTE的视角会跟随决意离开赛博坦的补天士,以及他带领的小队。而RID着重于赛博坦的新领导者大黄蜂,以及他在带领留守赛星的博派(以及狂派,包括所有余下的变形金刚)中发生的故事。两本漫画的剧情并行发生在同一个宇宙中。

In More Than Meets The Eye, Rodimus will lead at least the following bots - Ultra Magnus, Drift, Ratchet (they are seen on the multi cover images). We will follow them and whomever goes with them in space as they search for the "Knights of Cybertron" a legendary band of bots. They are not even sure if they are real. They supposedly have the power to return Cybertron to the "Golden Age" before the war. This group will run into remnants of the Great War on planets and locations that aren't yet aware it is over, as well as other conflicts. So even though the war is over, it is still an action book.

Robots In Disguise will focus on Bumblebee and his attempts to rebuild Cybertron's society. Bots staying with 'Bee will include at least Ironhide, Prowl and Wheeljack. Thousands of neutral Transformers are returning home knowing the war is over. Cybertronians that fled the planet eons ago without choosing sides. Left over Decepticons are also present and need to be dealt with, re-integrated. Bumblebee doesn't want to return to the past; rather, he wants to forge a new future for their race. Here and now, moving forward. Managing all these factions and points of view is hard and we will follow his journey through that.

So basically - it is a philosophical difference between groups of Autobots after the war. Do they look to the past and try to rediscover it, or move away from it look to the future. We follow each view point in the 2 books.

At first, there will be some cross over in the books. But after the "split" officially happens (I assume Rodimus rolls out with his crew to go planet hopping), the books will be relatively independent of each other. There will be themes that may cross over, and Rodimus' crew members may "call home" every so often. But otherwise, independent.
两套主线漫画中将有线索联系和穿越。但当故事主线正式“分家”后(我猜是指小补跑路去宇宙中寻找ONE PIECE之后),这两套书的情节将彼此独立、各自发展。会有相交的回忆场景,小补队伍的成员也会经常和老家保持电话联系。但归根究底,这两套主线还是独立的。

The way this is being pushed is that if you are new to the IDW universe, new to Transformers, or just want to jump back in, this is a good point to do so. It's a reboot without losing the rich continuity they have built over the last 3 years.
之所以这样安排是为了同时吸引从未接触过IDW TF宇宙的新读者,以及想要回头追连载的旧粉丝。这次大重启并不会影响过去3年建设起来的IDW变形金刚故事主线的丰富性。



January, 2012

Transformers: Robots in Disguise Ongoing #1

John Barber (w) Andrew Griffith (a) Marcelo Matere x 4, Griffith (c)

The war for Cybertron is over-now the hard part begins!
This first of two new ongoing Transformers series offers an excellent jumping-on point and all-new direction as BUMBLEBEE and his fellow AUTOBOTS struggle to maintain control of a world without OPTIMUS PRIME!
FC 32 pages $3.99


Bullet points:
ONE UNIVERSE! This series, in conjunction with Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, expands the Transformers universe into exciting, unexplored territory.

Never read an IDW TRANSFORMERS book? THIS is the place to start!
4 inter-connected covers by Marcelo Matere, each featuring a character from the new ongoing series, combining to make one image!
如果您以往从未读过IDW出版的变形金刚漫画,现在就是着手入门的时候!敬请欣赏由资深画师Marcelo Matere倾情奉献的4连张跨页封面!
注1:RID和MTMTE的第一期漫画均采用了凑齐四张人物封面就能拼起一张长条大海报的骗钱人海战术= =坑爹呢这是

Optimus Prime:………………

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Ongoing #1

James Roberts (w) Nick Roche (a) Alex Milne x 4, Roche (c)

The ultimate Transformers saga begins here!
This second all-new ongoing Transformers title reunites the fan-favorite creative team behind Last Stand of the Wreckers and sends the Transformers on an epic quest to the farthest reaches of the Transformers Universe and beyond! The adventure starts here!
FC 32 pages $3.99

Rodimus Prime:俺は海贼王になる男だ!
Optimus Prime:………………

注2:RID赛星篇主线脚本由IDW目前的TF漫主编John Barber编剧(曾执笔第七区,奠基时代,风起云涌,DOTM电影改编漫画系列),奠基时代画师Andrew Griffith主绘(<--真人是帅锅一枚哦>~<)
MTMTE宇宙篇主线脚本和画师由著名官方同人组合James RobertsNick Roche(主役作品《支线:杯子》《威震天万岁》《雷霆拯救令》)担任。愿同人出身的Rocherts宅男组一路顺风!

Infestation 2 #1 (of 2)

Duane Swierczynski (w) David Messina (a) Alex Garner, Livio Ramondelli (c)

Last year's groundbreaking Infestation series, IDW's first-ever event, saw many teams from multiple universes fight off a zombie invasion. Now, an even bigger threat has risen to threaten the growing IDW multiverse: Lovecraftian demons threaten to reach across time and space and destroy everyone everywhere and everywhen! Also featuring Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this framing issue presents a threat that perhaps not even TRANSFORMERS, G.I. JOEs, Danger Girl, and others can surmount!
FC 32 pages $3.99


Lovecarft是指H. P. Lovecraft. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._P._Lovecraft
这次入侵IDW各宇宙的就是他笔下的克苏鲁神话里的各路魔神了”即Lovecraftian demons“ 并不是名为Lovecraft的恶魔
hschell0002 发表于 2011-12-16 22:19

(之前赶着去看晚场话剧,没顾上考证和校对就随便贴出来了,多谢5#hschell0002前辈热心纠错m(_ _)m个人因为不感冒奇幻没有深究过克鲁苏系列,但据说这套神话大系经常被文艺青年当作刷时髦值工具引用,因此对IDW这一新系列能对神话本身探索和科普到的程度表示谨慎怀疑XD其实以前在女神转生的游戏里也看到过封面上这几只,不过俺对克鲁苏设定的现代恐怖神话了解也仅限于此,最初见到Lovecraftian这单词不但没想起祭拜某荣格系科幻宗师,还第一时间脑补到了“开着飞船来传教的爱之异形BOSS”……orz



February, 2012   

TRANSFORMERS: More Than Meets The Eye Ongoing #2

James Roberts (w) Alex Milne (a) Alex Milne, Roche (c)

The new TRANSFORMERS direction blasts off! Trapped in space, their ship critically damaged, the Autobots try to rally what's left of their forces. And to complicate matters, Skids arrives on the scene, guns blazing! Who is he? What does he want? Where does he come from? Unfortunately, not even Skids knows the answers...

FC 32 pages  $3.99

From Alex老湿的JUMP感言:中二的下场就是死了一地yoooo~

TRANSFORMERS: Robots in Disguise Ongoing #2

John Barber (w)  Andrew Griffith (a)  Casey Coller, Griffith (c)

The Decepticons make their move, as the TRANSFORMERS relaunch really amps up! As Bumblebee's provisional government struggles to maintain control, Ratbat stages a deadly attack that only Prowl can stop! Meanwhile, Starscream tries something he's never done before: telling the truth to an Autobot. Well, most of the truth, anyway.
FC 32 pages $3.99


Infestation 2: TRANSFORMERS #1 (of 2)

Chuck Dixon (w)  Guido Guidi (a)  Livio Ramondelli, Guidi (c)

The Infestation threat has broken the boundaries of time and the Lovecraftian monsters invade the world of Transformers: Hearts of Steel! It's a steam-punk world in the grips of panic as terrifying beings from the depths of the ocean corrupt both humans and Decepticons! Only one man knows how to stop the Infestation, and it's up to him to awaken the Autobots in time to prevent full-scale cataclysm!
FC  32 pages  $3.99

Bullet points:
Returning to the fan-favorite continuity "Hearts of Steel," by the original creative team!
Perfect for horror, steam-punk, and TRANSFORMERS fans!

Infestation 2: TRANSFORMERS #2 (of 2)

Chuck Dixon (w)  Guido Guidi (a & c)
The Infestation threatens all of America, and its evil seems unstoppable as it infects everything in its path. Tobias Muldoon is called upon to help the Autobots find a solution, and he knows the perfect man for the job—Nikola Tesla! Together they attempt to re-activate Optimus Prime, but it's unclear if he will be able to turn the tide in an increasingly hopeless situation!
FC  32 pages  $3.99
僵尸侵袭的危机威胁着整个美国地区,病毒不可阻挡地吞噬了前进道路上的一切。Tobias Muldoon被召唤帮助博派寻找解决危机的方法,他知道此事的最佳适任者是——Nikola Tesla!他们合力激活了擎天柱,但在这九死一生的绝望状况下,博派领袖还能够力挽狂澜拯救生天吗?

HOD能再开是很高兴啦……不过这设定明显是命运守护夜前传《TF: Zero》吧,由幸运E的Loser Lancer OP和呆毛王Saber BBB领衔主演神马的,以及各种糟糕动画中常见的猎奇名物触手play……

March, 2012

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Ongoing #3

James Roberts (w) Alex Milne (a) Milne, Nick Roche (c)

DISASTER IN SPACE! What's the very worst thing you could find on board a four million year old spaceship? Clue: it's ancient, it's deadly, and it shouldn't exist-but it's killing the Transformers anyway! It's AUTOBOTS versus boogieman in a Transformers story unlike any you've seen before, as the exciting new direction rolls out!

FC 32 pages $3.99


Transformers: Robots in Disguise Ongoing #3

John Barber (w) Andrew Griffith (a) Casey Coller, Griffith (c)

CYBERTRON IN CRISIS! An explosion in the middle of the capitol city strikes. Was it a DECEPTICON attack? Suspicions run high, and the uneasy peace unravels! Only Wheeljack can solve the puzzle-but will he do it before Starscream takes advantage of the AUTOBOTS weakness! The bold new direction in Transformers storytelling continues!

FC 32 pages $3.99


Transformers #80.5

Simon Furman (w); Andrew Wildman (p), Stephen Baskerville (i); Wildman (c)

The wait is over–after a 20-year hiatus, IDW proudly returns to the original TRANSFORMERS comic book universe, picking up right where 1991’s TRANSFORMERS #80 left off! Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Kup, Hot Rod and all your favorite Generation One TRANSFORMERS characters charge into the future as fan-favorite writer Simon Furman and legendary Transformers artist Andrew Wildman present TRANSFORMERS #80.5! Reflecting back on the dizzying highs and the terrifying lows of the original run of Transformers comics, Optimus Prime watches over a Cybertron that hasn’t faced Megatron for decades. But that peace shudders to an end, as we dive headlong into July’s TRANSFORMERS #81!


"Because the Fans demanded it! "


发表于 2011-12-16 20:28:51 | 只看该作者
威勒个武的~太混乱了…… orz
发表于 2011-12-16 21:18:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-16 21:53:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-16 22:19:53 | 只看该作者
"被称为Lovecraft的恶魔", 这个sunny君犯错了哦,Lovecarft是指H. P. Lovecraft. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._P._Lovecraft
这次入侵IDW各宇宙的就是他笔下的克苏鲁神话里的各路魔神了”即Lovecraftian demons“ 并不是名为Lovecraft的恶魔。
发表于 2011-12-16 22:52:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-16 23:04:36 | 只看该作者
我只注意到“《擎天柱的婚礼》(The Death Of Optimus Prime)”……婚姻是爱情的坟墓么……婚礼就意味着死亡了……
发表于 2011-12-17 11:16:23 | 只看该作者
这都是些什么玩意...- -

发表于 2011-12-17 11:46:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-17 13:28:53 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-17 14:20:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunny13 于 2011-12-17 14:26 编辑

呃对感到混乱的诸位表示抱歉,这次摸鱼时间久了预热工作没做好,事实上10月份OM最终章《混沌篇》(Transformers: Chaos)预定完结时,H社和IDW已经开了新主线发布会答FANS问……搬运之。
TFW2005 was fortunate enough to sit in on a web based press conference yesterday held by IDW regarding their 2 upcoming ongoing Transformers books. Transformers More Than Meets The Eye and Transformers Robots In Disguise. Michael Kelly, Director, Global Publishing, Global Brand Licensing & Publishing, Hasbro and John Barber, Senior Editor, IDW gave a rundown of the new direction and answered some questions.
昨日(10/19/2011)TFW2005荣幸的参加了IDW主办的网络会议,内容是关于变形金刚两部新主线漫画:<TF: MTMTE>和<TF: RID>的发布事宜。诸位业界要人在现场回答了FANS的问题。

After the Death of Optimus Prime (IDW #125, due in December), the "War for Cybertron" is officially over. The Autobots have won and took control of the planet. They are starting to rebuild. There is a choice though - stay or go. This is where the split into 2 books will happen. More Than Meets The Eye will follow Rodimus and his team, as they choose to leave Cybertron. Robots In Disguise will focus on the new leader, Bumblebee, and how he leads the remaining Autobots (and Decepticons, all Transformers for that matter), on Cybertron. Two books, one universe.
在OM大结局《擎天柱之死》(IDW #125,预定12月发售)之后,赛博坦之战正式宣告结束。博派胜利并接管了赛星,开始战后重建工作。此时在幸存的TF中出现了一个两难的抉择:是去,还是留。这也是两部主线漫画的剧情开始分支的转捩点。MTMTE的视角会跟随决意离开赛博坦的补天士,以及他带领的小队。而RID着重于赛博坦的新领导者大黄蜂,以及他在带领留守赛星的博派(以及狂派,包括所有余下的变形金刚)中发生的故事。两本漫画的剧情并行发生在同一个宇宙中。

In More Than Meets The Eye, Rodimus will lead at least the following bots - Ultra Magnus, Drift, Ratchet (they are seen on the multi cover images). We will follow them and whomever goes with them in space as they search for the "Knights of Cybertron" a legendary band of bots. They are not even sure if they are real. They supposedly have the power to return Cybertron to the "Golden Age" before the war. This group will run into remnants of the Great War on planets and locations that aren't yet aware it is over, as well as other conflicts. So even though the war is over, it is still an action book.

Robots In Disguise will focus on Bumblebee and his attempts to rebuild Cybertron's society. Bots staying with 'Bee will include at least Ironhide, Prowl and Wheeljack. Thousands of neutral Transformers are returning home knowing the war is over. Cybertronians that fled the planet eons ago without choosing sides. Left over Decepticons are also present and need to be dealt with, re-integrated. Bumblebee doesn't want to return to the past; rather, he wants to forge a new future for their race. Here and now, moving forward. Managing all these factions and points of view is hard and we will follow his journey through that.

So basically - it is a philosophical difference between groups of Autobots after the war. Do they look to the past and try to rediscover it, or move away from it look to the future. We follow each view point in the 2 books.

At first, there will be some cross over in the books. But after the "split" officially happens (I assume Rodimus rolls out with his crew to go planet hopping), the books will be relatively independent of each other. There will be themes that may cross over, and Rodimus' crew members may "call home" every so often. But otherwise, independent.
两套主线漫画中将有线索联系和穿越。但当故事主线正式“分家”后(我猜是指小补跑路去宇宙中寻找ONE PIECE之后),这两套书的情节将彼此独立、各自发展。会有相交的回忆场景,小补队伍的成员也会经常和老家保持电话联系。但归根究底,这两套主线还是独立的。

The way this is being pushed is that if you are new to the IDW universe, new to Transformers, or just want to jump back in, this is a good point to do so. It's a reboot without losing the rich continuity they have built over the last 3 years.
之所以这样安排是为了同时吸引从未接触过IDW TF宇宙的新读者,以及想要回头追连载的旧粉丝。这次大重启并不会影响过去3年建设起来的IDW变形金刚故事主线的丰富性。


另外11月两主线脚本的Barber副编和Roberts宅编也没闲着,在接受CBR采访时讨论了一下他们眼中TF的过去现在与未来,很喜感但字数很多,其中宇宙的碰友BBB和ONE PIECE小补这两个外号也就是从那时JR宅男的BH发言中爆出来的XD,有兴趣的可以看下原文o_<~

发表于 2011-12-17 23:40:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-20 01:36:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-20 21:44:49 | 只看该作者

发表于 2011-12-21 08:54:01 | 只看该作者
"Meanwhile, Starscream tries something he's never done before: telling the truth to an Autobot. Well, most of the truth, anyway."
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