根据http://www.tbd.com/blogs/tbd-arts/2010/08/transformers-3-filming-dates-revealed-135.html上的消息, "变3"原本计划在华盛顿特区历时三周的汽车追逐等特技戏份的拍摄的要求被华盛顿的"国家公园管理部门(NPS)"给基本上否决掉了. 根据特区电影办公室的负责人凯西.霍琳格今天的叙述, "国家公园管理部门(NPS)"是最难付的联邦政府部门, 尽管电影制作方在谈判中费尽了口舌, 罗列了种种拍摄可能为特区带来的经济利益, 但是对方不为所动, 整个的拍摄时间被压缩到三天, 而且很多制作方先前计划中想拍摄的地点都被否决, 华盛顿纪念碑就是被禁止拍摄的地点之一. 不过在林肯纪念堂的拍摄还是被批准了.目前媒体无法联系到"国家公园管理部门"的发言人比尔.兰(Bill Line).
[Kathy Hollinger, the head of D.C.'s film office] calls NPS the "most challenging" federal agency to work with.
"We put a lot of energy into this because we knew it would be this huge positive economic impact for the city," she says. "So it was going to be a few weeks, and now it's dwindled to a few days, and it dwindled to a few days because NPS shot down a few of the locations."
The Washington Monument was among those locations, though she couldn't recall the others. A scene planned for the Lincoln Memorial was approved. Park Services spokesman Bill Line's phone was busy during several attempts this afternoon.
"We worked our butts off more than we ever have before, to go as high as we could at NPS, to say, 'This is crazy,'" she says. "It's so frustrating, because it was an opportunity to really show the industry that this could be done in the District, that residents could be hired at a time when a lot of people are out of work. Business could have been booming in the fall."
上留言, 揭示"威震天"将在"变3"里死去.
[ 本帖最后由 观望侠 于 2010-8-13 20:42 编辑 ] |